Respectful viticulture demands
respectful winemaking
At Champagne Régis Poissinet we are driven by a veritable passion
for our wines that we make and mature with the same respect
for nature, and the same sensitivity and freedom of spirit.
We adopt an individual approach to each vat and each barrel,
accompanying rather than intervening, understanding the need
to stand back and allow the wine to evolve in the most natural way possible.
That is our credo.
Our champagnes are brightly incisive, with astonishing energy and fruit.
They express themselves directly, unadorned and authentic,
but always with the greatest of elegance.
There exists an absolute harmony of balance between freshness
and structure that creates intense emotion.
Our method of working in the vines and making our wines
with scrupulous respect for nature entails certain transformations
and changes that demand time to come to fruition.
Irizée, the very first cuvee of the renewed Domaine, has now been launched.
Other cuvees, currently in the course of creation, will soon enrich our future collection.
Let us leave them time to mellow quietly in the cellar.